Category: Testimonial

Customer Testimonial

“We hired Randy Schmidt (Madison Property Restoration) to solve a moisture problem on one of our properties. He and his help (Brandon) were very professional and thorough. Randy was very knowledgeable, shared his rationale on what he was doing, and what we needed to do to maintain. I would definitely recommend using his devices.” Dick Pobanz

Customer Testimonial

  Jocelyn Russell Miller reviewed Madison Property Restoration— 5 star 18 hrs ·  Randy and his team responded quickly to our water damage and mold situation – it was urgent due to health issues. He is very professional, easy to deal with, thorough. We recommend this business highly. Madison Property Restoration Home Improvement 56 Likes 56 talking about this […]

Customer Testimonial Letter – Water Leak and Mold

I want to provide a letter of recommendation for Randy Schmidt and his water and mold remediation services. I had severe water and mold damage at a million dollar plus house purchased in Middleton. We were not living at the house at the time. A broken ice maker in the bar leaked water from the […]

Water and Mold Damage in a Kitchen Floor

     These clients had a leaking dishwasher and sink drain that had been leaking for years before they bought the home. Mold had been growing in the floor for years, unknown to them. The damage extended into the pantry, the bedroom master closet and the ceiling of the family room below. We contained the affected […]